We come across various lines and shapes in our lives. Lines and shapes when combined together form a specific geometry. Yantras are nothing but geometrical shapes and figures which represent certain kind of special and specific energies and powers; and there are different notions connected with these energies and powers. In simple words, Yantras are a kind of graphical presentation using different lines and figures made with the intention of sufficing specific purposes. Yantras can be drawn, engraved or painted on a variety of material, metals or substances.
Yantras are made with mystical inscriptions to remove obstacles and negative influences, and thus, obtain a specific result. Such yantras can be instilled or kept in a puja place or any other part in a house, and shall be worshipped daily as suggested by a learned astrologer to reap its positive influences.
Our ancient texts list down hundreds of yantras, but here we shall talk about the Yantra for different Planets alike gemstones. Every planet has a different yantra for itself and there is also a special ‘Navgrah Yantra’ which is a combined Yantra for all the nine planets. These yantras act as ‘Protection Talisman’ for a person using them. Yantras related to different planets are specifically used to pacify malefic planets in the horoscope lessening or nullifying their negative effect.